Daily Bulletin

Dunlap Valley Middle School Bulletin for Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Today's lunch is Spaghetti and Beef Sauce, Breadstick, Steamed Carrots, Veggie Bar, and Fruit.

Honor Roll 427 Students made the Honor Roll in Quarter 2! That is amazing! Great job Spartans! The Honor Roll is posted outside of the office. You may look for your name before school, between classes, at lunch, and after school. Be sure to see your name on the DVMS website also!! CONGRATS HONOR ROLL STUDENTS!

Board Game Club Board Game Club Do you enjoy playing board games and hanging out with friends? Come check out the DVMS Board Game Club on January 28th in Mr. Mathias' room from 3:30-4:30. No sign up is necessary!

Student Council Attention all student council kids-there are several openings still available for volunteer work at the Midwest food bank on Saturday. Please check canvas and sign up today! Teachers are invited to join as well!

Orchestra Orchestra students should bring your chromebooks to class today.

Book Club The next GOAT (greatest of all time) Book Club meeting is coming up soon! It will be next week, Tuesday, January 28, in the library, during SLC. If you want to come, you must have your ELA teacher sign you up on the link they've been sent. This month's theme is Adventure. Bring your favorite adventure book to discuss, or read the Caudill nominee "The Inheritance Games". If you're looking for ideas of what to read, check out the display in the library! Which adventure book will be the GOAT?

Boys basketball The 7th and 8th grade boys' basketball teams' last regular season games are on Thursday at home against Bloomington Evans. 7th grade tips off at 4:30 with 8th grade to follow. This is 8th grade night for boys' basketball, cheer, and dance. Please come and support this awesome group of kids. Go Spartans!

Spelling Bee Congratulations to the spellers who have been selected to move on to the next round of the spelling bee. The Second Round is TODAY, Wednesday, January 22nd during 9th Hour! If you are advancing to the second round, head to Miss Fleming's room in the 8th Grade House during 9th hour.

Dunlap Grade School Carnival Volunteers are needed to help support the Dunlap Grade School Carnival on Saturday, February 22nd. The Carnival will be held indoors, and there are multiple time shifts available. There are many volunteer positions to fill and each volunteer will receive free stuff! For more info see the DVMS office for a flyer!

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